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Neighbors With Complaints Are Speaking Out Against the Proposed 6,811sf  Skatepark

For years now, the neighbors in the vicinity of Monterey Park in Capitola, CA have been speaking out in opposition to proposals of a 9,000sf and a 6,000sf skatepark at Monterey Park.  The City of Capitola already has a 9,000sf skatepark constructed at McGregor Park, just 3/4 of a mile away from Monterey Park.  Building a skatepark of any size at Monterey Park is considered by many a misuse and misappropriation of public lands and the public trust.  There have been over 50 unique complaints from individuals opposing the proposed skatepark, in writing, in the public register, and growing!  Read what some of the neighbors have been saying...

Please contact us at any time if you would like to add your concerns to the list below.  Every opinion counts!

Samples of the current written sentiment from more than fifty (50) neighbors
living close to Monterey Park, regular users of Monterey Park, two (2) attorneys representing opposition to the proposed skatepark, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, the entire PE staff at New Brighton Middle School and two (2) Soquel Union Elementary School District representatives is as follows:
  1. Former Council member Kirby Nicol sent an email to the Capitola City Council suggesting that something "like the facility at Fredrick Street Park" [in Santa Cruz] would be a more appropriate design.  "The design currently under consideration is far more robust that what was envisioned by the 2012 CCC.  Its features include brick-like areas, jumps and grinds that tend to be noisy and dangerous..........hardly suitable for 'beginners'."
    06-02-16  Kirby Nicol

  2. St. Joseph's Catholic Church sent in a letter just prior to the Planning Commission meeting of March 31, 2016, stating in part, "It is obvious that such a park will attract more skate boarders to this area.  I am very concerned that this will result in an increase of such activity on our Church grounds.  Unless the Planning Commission can guarantee that those using such a park will not enter onto our property, I am opposed to this project."
    03-30-16  Fr. Wayne Dawson

  3. "Submitted on behalf of Friends of Monterey Park, the law firm of Wittwer/Parkin stated in eleven (11) pages of correspondence that "the DEIR is fatally flawed.  The DEIR must be corrected and then recirculated for public review before the City can proceed with consideration of the Project."  "...the DEIR must be revised and be consistent in its portrayal of the project description so the true impacts of the project can be assessed."
    01-08-16  William P. Parkin, Attorney at Law
    Refer to the Community Development department site at for this document and others relating to this proposed second public skatepark.

  4. "I would like to see the EIR contain a list of all species living in Monterey Avenue Park and how you propose to protect them.
    Sound travels in all directions. How will you measure sound that is carried up into the trees above the proposed development? Birds of prey such as red-shouldered hawks, red-tailed hawks, and endangered peregrine falcons perch in those trees. They need the height to hunt. Noise can have an extremely detrimental impact on these birds and others that call Monterey Avenue Park home."
    01-08-16  D. Harris

  5. "Skate parks are noisy.  These noises are not natural ambient sounds.  Skate park noise is jarring and disruptive to children and adults who are in school and in their homes.
    The draft EIR does not address the cumulative nature of negative effects.  Increased noise, traffic, and parking problems will accumulate and compound the stress of people in the area impacted by the proposed development, especially considering another skate park is 1200 yards nearby.  Capitola needs to preserve the health and safety of its residential neighborhoods, schools, and parks.  This proposed skate park does not do that, and the draft EIR is missing a great many areas of concern."
    01-08-16 N. Lane

  6. "By now we have heard opposition to the Skate Park Proposal at Monterey Park from a number of folks from differing backgrounds, expertise and reasons for their opposition.
    I keep wondering at what point do we listen to those with particular knowledge who advise against a proposal? When do we listen to those who are trying to explain this to people who seem to want what they want when they want it regardless of how it impacts others?  This proposed location is just poorly chosen.  It is just a bad idea.  It is a seriously bad idea for the school due to its close proximity to classrooms and the campus."
    01-08-16 C. Isjust

  7. "Children, the elderly, and people with health problems are particularly sensitive to noise pollution. New Brighton School is adjacent to Monterey Park. Children exposed to noise experience hearing loss, speech delays, difficulty understanding spoken language, difficulty concentrating, social and behavioral difficulties, and poor growth. New Brighton school also has Special Ed classes, whose students are especially vulnerable to noise. Noise will negatively impact the teachers directly and also their ability to teach.
    Having attended school on the NBMS campus, I can attest to the way sound carries. There will be echoing of sound on the campus among the buildings. How do you propose to protect children from the harmful impacts of the noise? Who will pay for these procedures? Will the school have to provide additional soundproofing in the buildings? What about on the campus? Children will be exposed to noise on campus outdoors. What happens if the proposed mitigation fails to provide adequate protection, requiring additional measures to be taken after the proposed development is in place? Who will provide or pay for that -- the city, the school, or the developer?"
    01-08-16  T. Bryce

  8. "The proposal for a skate park gives every appearance of a Business Venture impermissibly utilizing public land, and not motivated by a concern for the children, or the Monterey Park Community at large."
    "Who Are the Proponents of the Skate Park?  The rumor is that local commercial venture(s) are funding all costs associated with the building of the proposed skate park.  If true, the City has an obligation to identify and disclose to the public those ventures, their level of involvement and funding.  Further, the City must immediately disclose and seek to avoid all potential conflicts of interest."
    01-07-16  T. Wagner, Esq. on behalf of the Wagner Family Trust

  9. "We have avoided recent public meetings regarding this issue due to biased behavior on the part of certain moderators in the past earlier meetings (Capitola City Council members by the way), and have refused to be part of their agendas since then.  This issue has also severely divided neighbors and has led to animosity as well.
    We are sincerely opposed to a skate park development at Monterey Park.  This site is simply not appropriate for a skate park, as recently echoed by Ashley Edgar and many others at the recent Educ. board meeting.
    And yet we are fully supportive of youth activities."
    01-07-16  D. Betterley

  10. In response to the Draft EIR:  "I am [submitting] a 2 page document on the benefits of trees in our changing climate and what we know now about the benefits of trees for communities.  It is from and speaks to the benefits in urban settings in bay area communities (specifically Palo Alto). You may read more at:   I appreciate the City of Capitola’s Tree ordinance that requires two trees planted for each tree removed.  Thus there would be more trees but sadly there is no replacement for mature trees removed unnecessarily.  I think addresses specific benefits of trees in certain locations and provides a lot of insight as to the benefits and their locations."
    01-05-16  S. Coulton

  11. "You need to postpone Monterey park until McGregor is up and running.  Do not build a second skate park until you realize the expenses and maintenance that is required for one park before you build a second.   Monterey park should not be considered as a prospect until at least  2 years of McGregor being opened has passed.  Let the city learn from the first park before building a second. To open two parks at the same time is setting us up for failure and money spent that is much needed elsewhere."
    01-05-16  B. Hickman

  12. "The sound barriers are on the North & South ends of the proposed skatepark but not on the East and West sides. This is a problem because of the classrooms near the West side of the proposed skatepark, including the classroom for special education.  Middle schoolers in general are easily distracted from classroom activities on the best days, but this goes double for the students with learning disabilities, whose classroom is only 140 feet from to the Western side of the proposed skatepark.  Since the park will be open from 8 a.m. until dark, the noise generated by the features (especially the river rock feature which was not included in the original plans and should NOT be added at all) will make it almost impossible for any teaching to happen in that classroom, as well as in nearby classrooms. This may not be a problem for the skateboard manufacturing interests involved, but it is definitely a problem for our students."
    01-04-16  T. Tetter

  13. "The Draft EIR plan doesn’t include any extensive study of the problems it will create with the New Brighton Middle school and more importantly the effect it would create for the Special Needs classroom which is directly adjacent to the proposed site.  Those children’s play area is directly adjacent to the proposed site and would cause a serious disruption to organized outdoor playtime.
    We are seniors who spend time in the park walking, almost daily, because it is the last open park space in our area.  Having this noisy disruptive skate park would curtail many people our age having that space available.  It’s time the City Council considered the feelings of seniors, the people who pay taxes and DO vote...  I’d like to think that we matter too."
    01-03-16  G. Bentley

  14. "I am very much opposed to the proposed skate park, to be built, on Monterey Ave. I have been using the park grounds, several times a week, since the early 1980's and very much appreciate the serenity of the park, the birds singing in the trees, the ability to walk around in a safe and beautiful area...etc.  I am appalled at the potential, of the beautiful grove of mature trees, being cut down in the name of "public safety"!
    Noise is also a huge concern."
    01-03-16  Rose G.

  15. "There are numerous examples of skateparks that have failed because of placement in inappropriate locations.  Noise is a critical issue!  Monterey Park would be another inappropriate location for a public skatepark.  The neighbors are only allowed 2-3 minutes to address their concerns at City meetings, yet the negative impacts can last a lifetime.  If we cannot learn from past mistakes we are doomed to repeat them."
    12-27-2015  Richard Lippi, Founder & Program Director of POPP

  16. "Capitola city council, listen to the people who put you in office...  Your main purpose should be to provide a safe community, maintain and improve our infrastructure and listen to the citizens of this community.  Common sense should prevail here...  In the meantime, projects that have been approved continue to fall behind schedule.  Yes I do live within a block of Monterey Park and am opposed to another skate park to be built at this site."
    11-29-2015  Dan B.

  17. "Skateparks are lousy neighbors.  They are noisy and ugly -- particularly if they get a lot of graffiti which is fairly common."
    11-29-2015  A. Globus

  18. "Absolutely against a skate board park at the Monterey park.  There is no need for a second [skate]park so close to the soon to be opened McGregor park.  Monterey park is a beautiful open space. It would be a crime to ruin it for the selfish interest of a few citizens.  If anything, an addition of a special needs section would be a good improvement.  I live within a block of Monterey park."
    11-29-2015  A. Benvenuti

  19. "Does Capitola really need two skateparks?  The proposed park at Monterey Park would be funded by Richard Novak, owner of Santa Cruz Skateboards, but it will be maintained, policed and repaired by the city of Capitola.  Do we really need to spend the money and other resources allocated for all residents of Capitola for two skateparks and a minority of people who enjoy that sport?"
    11-27-2015 Santa Cruz Sentinel Opinion by L. Steingrube

At the February 11, 2015 City Council meeting on the proposed 6,000sf skatepark at Monterey Park, more than eighteen (18) members of the public spoke out in opposition to the proposed skatepark.  The majority of these speakers live adjacent to, or very near, Monterey Park.  An additional seven (7) speakers were "undeclared" at the 02-11-2015  meeting but have since joined POPP and Friends of Monterey Park in opposing a skatepark at Monterey Park. 


Prior to the February 11, 2015 City Council meeting on the proposed 6,000sf skatepark at Monterey the following correspondence was received.  All of these writers were opposed to the 6,000sf skatepark:

  1. "If you build a second skateboard facility in Monterey Park, the residents of our neighborhood would be surrounded by noise and traffic -- and that would be overwhelming.  The Capitola General Plan takes the matter of noise very seriously.  Please keep in mind that noise is additive.  As a psychologist, distinguished scholar, and published author in the field of acoustic perception, I can say with certainty that a skateboard facility in Monterey Park is a dangerously unhealthy proposal."
    01-31-15  Francine Frome, Ph.D.

  2. "What about the little girls in our community who don't skate?  They will be among the losers if you allow a skatepark in Monterey Park.  As our population grows, we need to cherish our neighborhood parks for the respite they provide.  In this way, our neighborhood park, Monterey Park, serves people of all ages and all interests."
    02-05-2015  Helen Bryce

  3. "A skatepark in Monterey Park is a bad idea.  Skateparks do not belong where people are trying to sleep, relax, and spend peaceful time with their families -- in other words where people live."
    02-04-2015  T. Bryce

  4. "Monterey Park is behind my house.  ...not everyone works 9AM to 5PM.  I am working 9 PM to 5 AM six nights a week.  I sleep during the day.  ...a skatepark would make the neighborhood too noisy."
    02-02-2015  D. Harris

  5. "Our backyard backs up to this park & we love the sound of adults & children for what it was intended...  Since a few people have offered to pay for construction doesn't seem right to throw out the original plans & voters desires."
    02-05-2015  K. & E. Schweifler

  6. "Despite having a Capitola Skate park confirmed and being built at McGregor, they insist that another should still be build at Monterey Park, almost literally in my back yard.  For them, it is all of the benefits and none of the consequences."
    01-30-2015  C. Matteis

  7. "...there is the issue of the best use of the park itself.  Right now, people picnic and play on the grassy knoll.  You could put in a picnic table and everyone in the neighborhood would love it.  But most people are happy with it as it is.  People also sit on the knoll to watch the games in the park.  It would be a travesty to remove the knoll and put in skateboards, especially since you're building a skateboard park on McGregor."
    02-01-2015  N. Lane

  8. "Please note; The City council did not approve the Monterey Skate Park 2 1/2 years ago.  Again, before we add another use to Monterey Avenue, we need to fix the existing problems."
    02-03-2015  C. Devlin

  9. "Please vote no on a skate park on Monterey Ave.  My opinion is all about safety.  Just like when the skateboards were outlawed in the village."
    02-03-2015  M.B. Clamon

  10. "A Monterey Park location is a proposal that carries a risk of potential detriment to the quality of life and property values of the neighborhood while benefiting a rather narrow interest group with a large proportion of members who live outside of Capitola.  Quality of life is how Capitola leads other cities.  These folks are proposing to uglify a large part of an all too rare, open, green space in Capitola, exchanging it for yet more concrete and chain link fencing.  Not all kids skate.  It is not exactly the safest activity."
    02-03-2015  Doug & Christine Bowman

  11. "Does Capitola really need two skate parks...?  The General Plan for the City of Capitola states that the City "Has a duty to preserve the character of residential neighborhoods."  A skatepark in Monterey Park would not do that."
    January 2015  Berg Family

  12. "I looked at some of the research.  All of it was done by pro skateboarding organizations.  The conclusion that I have arrived at is that a skate park at Monterey Park brings a host of concerns for those living near it as well as for the city which then needs to oversee and finance [it] for years to come..."
    02-02-2015  P. McCollough

  13. "In [studies], park staff at 12 sites in OR & WA, mentioned that a key aspect was need for involving local police / sheriff for policing & enforcement at their skate park facilities, and ongoing maintenance costs."
    02-01-2015  D. Betterly

  14. "It would...create an "attractive nuisance" for New Brighton Middle school as older skaters and those teens who are in Alternative Ed programs and don't attend daily classes could be coming and going to the park during school hours.  Having been a high school teacher for 35 years and a frequent substitute teacher currently, I can't imagine trying to teach a lesson with the noise and visual distraction of a skate park."
    02-02-2015 Lisa and Dan Steingrube

  15. "I am writing to express my concern regarding the Skate Board Park that is being proposed...and very much AGAINST it.  The Residents who are proposing for the Skate Board Park have been very INCONSISTENT on details of this new skateboard park, which is a big red flag in my book."
    02-02-2015  J. McKenzie

  16. "The neighborhood is already heavily impacted by existing facilities, such as: the New Brighton Middle School (NBMS), the Performing Arts facility at NBMS, Saint Joseph's Church, Cliffwood Heights neighborhood church, and numerous sports activities occurring in the Monterey Avenue Park.  Skateparks are best suited for nonresidential areas such as the McGregor Drive area."
    01-28-2015  M. and B. Arroyo

  17. "I do not oppose Skate Parks.  I do like to take my young grandsons to them when they visit...  But I think I have 'hung' enough at skate parks with them during the day to hear the noise and see the older park users may not be what you want in this neighborhood and near a school."
    01-26-2015  S. Coulston

  18. "How much more noise do we need?  The idea that a beautiful, peaceful park will contain a skate board area just a few blocks from another skate park seems totally unnecessary.  It is not hard to figure out that these skateboarders will be up and down Monterey Avenue and into the village.  We have had a continuous problem [at] Brookvale Terrace Mobile Home Park with skateboarders jumping our fence and skateboarding down the hill, just missing cars and walking residents.  The presence of a skateboard park so close will surely increase that activity."
    01-27-2015  C. Bentley

  19. "For the proponents, it's not really about a skate park.  It's about convenience.  At Monterey they can tell their middle-schooler to go to the park after school and they'll get picked up in an hour or two.  To get this convenience the plan is to steamroller the park neighbors.  My advice to the council: do not approve a second skatepark before the first one is built and has been used for a year or two.  Then, should a second park be appropriate,... Put it where the folks on the other side of the creek can get to it easily without going through the village or freeway traffic."
    01-25-2015  A. Globus

  20. "While attending an informal meeting at the site this last weekend, there was an adult softball game in progress.  The people attending the meeting were gathered at the proposed site of the skateboard park when all of a sudden, the softball players started yelling.  A high fly ball had been hit in the direction of the gathering.  The fly ball actually struck one of the members of the meeting in the wrist.  She had to leave the meeting to get ice to reduce the swelling."
    01-25-2015  L. and E. Borger

  21. "We are strongly opposed to a second skate park being constructed at Monterey Park in such close proximity to McGregor.  We feel it is unnecessary and will negatively impact our neighborhood  We share many of the same concerns that our neighbors have raised: Noise, increased traffic, loss of green space, parking congestion [and more]"
    01-25-2015  S. & C. MacEwen

  22. "As I am sure you know we have stringent policies and procedures regarding changes or modifications to homes because according to city building officials, 'the City needs to ensure that we maintain the look and integrity of the neighborhood.'  I can't imagine a better way to negatively impact the look and integrity of our neighborhood than putting in another skate park.  [signed] A very concerned property owner."
    01-24-2015  B. Bartle

  23. "Our residence is adjacent to Monterey Park, and we are concerned about the negative impact a skate park will have upon our neighborhood.  Noise, traffic and lower property values are just a few of the issues that elevate the skate park into a nuisance."
    01-21-2015  L. H. and T. Hsu

  24. "2 very well spoken nice young women appeared at my door to tell me they are again requesting the skate park be located at Monterey Ave.  They explained the downsizing of the park, that the park would be designed for children up to 14 yrs of age, that it would not be noisy.
    I do not oppose the baseball teams and soccer players who already use the park.  I would not be opposed to more equipment to encourage full body exercise in the park.  A par course perhaps?  I am not opposed to picnic tables, a better running track, things that a wider segment of the population may use.  I do oppose the unnecessary covering of green space with 6000 ft of concrete to accommodate a small segment of the population who do think a skate park is a necessity and must be located across the street from my house."
    01-12-2015  J. Radcliffe

  25. "I live 100 yards from Monterey Ave Park.  I feel there is no need for duplication of any of these venues in Capitola."
    01-14-2015  R. Mayer

  26. "Please keep a skatepark out of Monterey Park."
    01-11-2015  J. Simari

  27. "When Dennis Norton first met with area residents at the Monterey Ave Park I was for the skatepark he described, under 6,000 sq. ft. and for young elementary school age kids.  Unfortunately the group that wants to put in the skate park wants a lot more space, bathrooms and a place for kids to skate and hang out after school unsupervised.
    The parks in our neighborhood are small neighborhood parks that have been developed and are currently being used by the people who live or go to school near the parks.
    Not only does my house back up to the park, my work office faces the park."
    01-11-2015  M. Sanders

  28. "I was disappointed to read that building a skate park in Monterey Avenue Park is once again being considered by the Council despite construction of a wonderful multi-use park on McGregor Drive, which includes a large skate area.  I thought this matter had been resolved.  This is not the highest or best use of this land, nor does it serve the best interests of the majority of Capitola residents"
    01-10-2015  R. Gaither

  29. "Do the people wanting this skateboard park in Monterey Park live near?  We in this Monterey Ave neighborhood do not want a skateboard park.  Pick another site or not but not on Monterey Avenue.  Voters and taxpayers will be heard.  Listen."
    01-25-2015  D. Sta(?) & P.

At the January 26, 2012 City Council meeting on the proposed 9,000sf skatepark at Monterey Park, the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services of the Soquel Union Elementary School District spoke out in opposition to the proposed 9,000sf skatepark along with thirteen (13) concerned members of the Monterey Park neighborhood.

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Last modified: 10/12/2017
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